About Us

In case you were wondering, Taplin Consulting is ...

a Small Business...

providing Big Results!

We Solve Problems,

and we love what we do.

Founded in 2014 Taplin Consulting draws on nearly two decades of project and management consulting experience in Owner and Director, Bryce Taplin. Bryce enjoys working with clients and project teams in a collaborative way, developing a deep understanding of his clients and taking personal ownership of project outcomes.

Unlike larger consulting firms, Bryce has a vested interest in ensuring the best possible outcome and prides himself in the level of care and investment he makes into working with clients and delivering what he promises.

"Success for me is understanding why a client has asked for my help, and then fulfilling that need"
- Bryce Taplin, 2024

The Details

What has Taplin Consulting done for others?

Here are a few examples....

Business Case Writing

We have prepared countless business cases for a variety of projects and investment decisions. This includes property development, capital (asset) purchases, infrastructure delviery and business process improvement.

The skill we employ is not just in succinct business writing; we stay true to the purpose of a business case including embracing the process of writing the business case as a tool to understand the best outcome.

We ensure we understand and articulate the drivers and objectives, remain open to the various options available and, using clear logic, make reccomendations based on fact and analysis.

Project Approvals

With a strong appreciation for the importance of setting up projects for success, we provide project management and advice during the project approvals phase.

This includes the development of approvals strategies, management of complex approvals projects and coordination of large consultant teams through the process of developing approvals documentation, including impact statements.

With involvement in a variety of projects in various jurisdictions, we have experience with local, state and federal approvals processes. This includes the Tasmanian Major Project process via the Land Use and Planning Approvals Act, 1993 and the Commonwealth's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999.

Project Management

Yes, we even project manage.

"But what does that mean?", you say.

We develop a structured approach to getting things done. We coordinate teams, making the process of acheiving tasks simpler. We track budgets and timeframes and hold people accountable.

Oh....and we don't write long documents that no-one reads.

We are about practical and effective project management and rely on our skills to get the job done.

Skills like time management (we are always early for meetings), communications (we are responsive and effective), and risk management.

Business Process Improvement

Every buisness could do with some improvement - even ours!

We've worked with businesses to review current processes and write procedures to improve productivity, reduce risk or to refocus teams.

We have developed document templates for use by operational teams and written quality assurance and audit processes to improve project outcomes for a variety of project types.

We can help strategise, undertake reviews of programmes of work, and provide meaningful advice to executive staff on a range of issues.

We understand accountability and the importance of engaging with the business when implementing change.

Problem Solving

Every project we do is a bit different from the last - the ultimate definition of a 'project'! So we problem solve. We adapt, we consult and we implement with teams.

For each project that we do, we learn a little bit more about the best way to tackle a problem.

But if we haven't solved a particular problem before, we aren't shy about tackling it because we know the best way to eat an elephant....one bite at a time.

Business Writing

Needless to say, we can write a report, strategy document or business case.

While we won't be writing the next Harry Potter, we do know a thing or two about business writing. The right balance of information, understanding the target audience and conveying a 'story' are key aspects to succesfully writing documents.

We've written long-term strategies and strategic plans, simplified complex technical documents in to readable summaries and prepared executive, board and ministerial briefs on a range of topics.